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The important role that a Political Action Committee (PAC) can have in an organization is often underestimated. Confusion frequently stems from the unfamiliarity of the definition of a PAC and its responsibilities.

    • A PAC is simply a group of individuals who pool their financial resources to help elect candidates to public office — men and women who share the group's interests and concerns about public policy issues.

    • PACs at the federal and state levels play a positive role in strengthening representative government by getting more people involved in the political process.

    • PACs provide people, many who have never done anything more political than vote, a convenient and meaningful way to exercise their citizens' rights.

Please consider a generous donation to our political action campaign (PAC) this year. We anticipate an extremely active legislative session where we will have to be both proactive and reactive on a number of fronts. PAC is an important way your company can help with this effort.

2024 Legislative Wins

  • Successfully obtained an exemption from congestion pricing for NYC DOE school bus contractors. Starting January 5, 2025, vehicles entering the Congestion Relief Zone in Manhattan — local streets and avenues at or below 60 Street — will be charged a toll. The Congestion Relief Zone includes local streets and avenues in Manhattan south of and including 60 Street, excluding the FDR Drive, West Side Highway/Route 9A, and the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel connections to West Street.
  • “Green Ribbon Panel”-- Facilitated by several elected officials, NYSBCA has been meeting monthly with NYSERDA and other stakeholders to communicate not only our expertise and experience with electrification, but also our concerns, whether it is with infrastructure, vehicle production, or many others. These monthly meetings with NYSERDA are now referred to as the “Green Ribbon Panel” and are absolutely critical in ensuring the industry’s concerns are heard and addressed by leaders in government.
  • NYSBCA continued to successfully block an overly restrictive legislative proposal by SED in regard to contract modification. We continue to work together with SED, the Governor’s office, as well as the legislature to get this across the finish line.

2023 Legislative Wins

  • Instead of amending Commissioner Regulations for Pupil Transportation Contracts (8 NYCRR 156.1–156.5) in order to add an electric vehicle rate to existing contracts/ ability to adjust the base price for the vehicle—NYSBCA learned that we need to amend the NYS Education Law instead. As a result, we successfully drafted, introduced, and lobbied a bill in both houses: AB7122/ SB 6754A which amends the education law in relation to contract cost adjustments in the middle of contract terms for school districts transportation contracts due to increased costs associated with the transition to zero-emission buses. NYSBCA’s sponsors are NYS Assemblymember Jean-Pierre as well as NYS Senator Kennedy to champion this initiative (AB 7122 / SB 6754A). At the same time, NYSBCA successfully blocked an overly restrictive legislative proposal by SED in regard to contract modification. We continue to work together with SED, the Governor’s office, as well as the legislature to get this across the finish line.

  • NYS adoption of the under the hood waiver- School Bus Only Restriction

  • Successfully had the chair of the education committee introduce our sales tax exemption proposal for zero-emission school buses purchases and parts: AB 8010/ SB 5524)

Yellow School Bus Advocate

Formed in 1950, the New York School Bus Contractor Association has a proud and accomplished tradition of serving as the voice of school bus contractors, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers on issues of common interest at the state capital and beyond.

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P.O. Box 1352, Guilderland, NY 12084

(518) 217-2505

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