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This page provides information regarding the many advantages of using a school bus contractor. It also serves as a resource to school districts and taxpayers by providing, among other tings, a cost-savings analysis tool to help school districts conduct a financial analysis of their transportation services.

The public-private partnership between our schools and school bus contractors is one of the most successful examples of government and the private sector working together. We provide a great public benefit while saving hundreds of millions of tax dollars every year. 

New York school bus contractors provide student transportation services to more than 63% of the children riding a yellow bus each day. We help more than half of the school districts in New York State focus on what they do best – educate our children.

Our success is based on three simple principles…student safety, taxpayer savings and customer satisfaction.


In 2013, the National School Transportation Association released the Yellow School Bus Industry White Paper to provide interested parties with a full scope of resources detailing how the industry is structured and give a "behind the scenes" look at different issues facing contractors today.  Topics include: Industry Structure; Drivers and Support Personnel; Buses and Other Equipment; Transportation and the Education Systems; Economic Issues; Outsourcing; and Public Policy Issues.  To download this rich booklet of information, please click here. 

VIDEO: What you Need to Know about School Bus Safety

VIDEO: Why Contract?

Yellow School Bus Advocate

Formed in 1950, the New York School Bus Contractor Association has a proud and accomplished tradition of serving as the voice of school bus contractors, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers on issues of common interest at the state capital and beyond.

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P.O. Box 1352, Guilderland, NY 12084

(518) 217-2505

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