Carrier liaisons need to recertify their users once a year. User passwords expire after 90 days.
This message was sent to carriers through the 19-A system.
In preparation for the Affidavit of Compliance to be submitted, carrier liaisons should be sure they have recertified their users to have access to the 19-A system. For Liaisons to Recertify:
Go to:
- Select the Remote Administrative VPASS Environment (RAVE) application. (Under the 19A System)
- Read the NYS DMV Memorandum of Understanding-Choose 'I Agree' and submit.
- The next step in the same RAVE menu is to select Recertify all users.
- Once selected you will see S19A18295 with an L1 next to it. Check the box and continue/update until you get back to the main menu again.
- Repeat this process for each user to be recertified. Remove any user that should not be active.
- You will then need to log off and log on again to go into 19A System
- Your next recertification date will be 364 days from the current date. You will need to recertify before that date next year or your account will be locked.
Once your account is locked you must contact to have your password reset.